Mind your business

I’m here to support and guide you in marketing your business in ways that work with your life, your vision and your customers.

It all starts here.

Identify your 'why?'

It will feel like a conversation, but the fact is that in my Brand Workshop, I’ll discover what makes you tick. I’ll find out what your business means to you and define the values that will light the way ahead for your marketing strategy, time and effort.

I will provide you with a Brand Report that encapsulates your vision and values and provide you with the words that describe and shape your business into one that will speak to your target audience with clarity and power.

Armed with these insights, you could take on the world on your terms all by yourself or you can stick with me while we take a look at your Marketing Strategy.

Clarify your strategy

Achieving clarity around your business purpose illuminates who your target audience is and how you’ll connect with them. 

We’ll dive into how you’ll measure the success of your strategy so that in the months and years to come, you can confidently assess the bigger picture, while working on the details.

I’ll provide you with a Marketing Strategy that will serve you as a guide to your business, your messaging and your resourcing. It will also be a place to record the measures of growth, engagement and activity that will support the ongoing success and growth of your business.

Put your plan to work

My goal is to put you in control of your marketing so that you drive the speed and pace of your business.

The strength of my approach, is that your unique skills, strengths, passions and interests are reflected in every part of your marketing activity.

If your business requires specialist expertise, we’ll look at how you’ll fill that gap in a sustainable and successful way.

There’s plenty of hands-on marketing support that I can offer on a project or retainer basis. Keep reading to see what expertise and support I can bring to your business.

Building blocks

Brand, Vision & Values

What drives your business forward? I’ll help you find the words and messages that communicate your vision and values through your brand. When your brand resonates with your target audience you can build resilience and growth into your business.

Website Design

Your target customers should love finding and using your website. As a business owner, I believe you should also know how to access and update your own website. I design and build websites that help you AND your clients feel good about time spent online with your business.

Words & messaging

Your message is carried through social media, email marketing, invoices, packaging, product descriptions and so much more. I’ll help you find your voice and the words you need to attract your ideal customers to your business.

Strategy & Planning

An effective marketing strategy enables you and your business to meet your clients in all the right places, saying the right things and offering  products and services that they want to buy from YOU. Don’t be overwhelmed — I’ll help you identify, prioritise and deliver all your marketing tactics in a strategic, planned and cohesive manner.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective way to build and sustain direct relationships with customers and networks. I manage and deliver templates, newsletters and complete email marketing campaigns for a diverse range of businesses to generate new and returning customer sales.

Tools & automation

Technology and automated tasks can enable you to love your business even more. They can also remove a lot of the pain of repetitive, dull or tricky tasks. Some choices are easy, but if your technology choices involve an investment of time and energy, I can support you in making a choice that works for you and your business.


Investing in specialist expertise?

Commissioning experts to develop design, apps or technology for your business can be intimidating - especially if you want to continue benefiting from your investment across future months and years.

I guide clients through the commissioning & procurement process to ensure you achieve the results you need at an agreed price and timescale.

Let's make time to talk.

In one conversation, we can discuss your goals for your business and discover how my skills and experience can support you in achieving your vision.